Travis Rebels News
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - February
We want to recognize our seniors in the top ten percent of their class. This week, we celebrated them with a special breakfast and recognition for their hard work. In addition, a special shout out to the girls' basketball team who made it to the playoffs this season!
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - December 2
You may have noticed some changes in the parking lot. As construction is underway for our new building, many areas are now fenced off to allow for construction workers and trucks to get to work! As always, please proceed cautiously through the parking area and watch for pedestrians!
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - November 18
We’re excited to invite you and your family to a special evening of fun, learning, and community at our Literacy Night on November 20, 2024, from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM at Travis Early College High School!
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - November 11
Last week, the official Groundbreaking for the construction of the new Travis building took place! Construction is set to take place over the next 3-4 years. It's an exciting time. Our students and alumni were honored and took part in the ceremony to mark this momentous day!
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - November 4
Dear Travis ECHS Families and Friends, November is here, can you believe it? We had a blast last week dressing up for Halloween Spirit, celebrating at the Pep Rally, and honoring our loved ones with the Dia de los Muertos altar. We have several BIG things happening this week:
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - October 28
Thank you to everyone who made it to the Community Meeting we hosted to discuss the design and construction of our new campus through the 2022 Bond. If you were unable to attend or would like to review the materials, the information from the meeting can be found on the school page on the Bond Website or at the following links:
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - October 21 (Attendance Special Edition)
This week we invite you to join us on Wednesday evening for a Community Meeting about the new Travis building! Plans for the Groundbreaking are underway for November 8.
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - October 14 (Attendance Special Edition)
This week is the end of the 1st 9weeks! Please check your students grades and encourage them to get any missing assignments turned into their teacher this week and correct/make up any missing exams.
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - October 6 (Attendance Special Edition)
We hope students enjoyed their 4 day weekend and are ready to go this week! A reminder that next Monday, October 14 is a student holiday in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day. This week is also Principal Appreciation Week. Shout out to Ms. Hodges!!
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - September 29
This week is Custodian Appreciation Week. Our custodians go above and beyond to keep Travis clean and safe. Thanks to our custodial staff for the pride they bring everyday to Travis!
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - September 16
¿Quieres traducir este boletín? ¡Haz clic en la imagen en la parte superior derecha y selecciona tu idioma! ایا تاسو غواړئ دا خبر پاڼه وژباړئ؟ په پورتنۍ ښۍ خوا کې په عکس کلیک وکړئ او خپله ژبه غوره کړئ!
Travis Family & Community Newsletter - September 2
Back to School Night was a success! It was wonderful to see families on campus with staff and community partners. Ms. Hodges presented the Title I Plan and we enjoyed a great meal- Shout Out to our awesome cafeteria staff!