Travis Rebels News

2022 Bond: Campus Architectural Team

The Campus Architectural Team meets every other Wednesday evening and informs the design of the new Travis Campus. Public Comment is at the start of each meeting.

Join Travis Early College High School PTSA

The next general PTSA meeting is Wednesday, October 15th at 4:45 PM. Location: Cafeteria 

Travis ECHS Yearbook Sale

Yearbooks are $40 until October 31st and then the price goes up. 

Travis ECHS Community Newsletter August 20, 2023

Travis ECHS Community Newsletter | Smore Newsletters for Education

Back to School Night / Noche de Regreso

Monday, August 28th 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Lunes, 28 de agosto 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Travis ECHS Community Newsletter-August 13, 2023

Check out our newsletter in the link below!

Meet and Greet - August 9th 5:30-6:30

 There will be a Meet and Greet for Interim Principal Salinas in the Travis Early College High School cafeteria at the following dates and times: