Once A Rebel—Always A Rebel

William B. Travis Early College High School has been serving Austin students since 1953, opening as the city’s first high school south of the Colorado River.
Our diverse academic offerings, strong electives, and wide range of social and extracurricular activities provide students with opportunities to learn, grow and challenge themselves.
Travis ECHS will be an educational center for the community where every student graduates prepared for their future.
Personalize education for every student every day in order to propel them towards their future goals by providing a safe environment where all stakeholders are engaged in learning and every student’s potential becomes a reality.
Travis Early College High School has a rich tradition of serving students in South Austin since it opened in 1953 as Austin's first high school south of the Colorado River. Travis welcomes and challenges students with diverse academic offerings, strong athletics, and fine arts programs. Our extracurricular activities provide students with a range of opportunities to pursue their interests. In addition to offering more than a dozen Career and Technical Education courses, Travis is also an Early College High School. This partnership with Austin Community College provides students with the opportunity to earn an associate degree while still in high school.
Travis students come from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds to achieve academic excellence and pursue their passions, consistently placing among the best in the state in the arts and athletics.
Program Highlight Video
Campus Highlights
- Athletics
- AVID College Readiness
- CTE Programming: Principles of Construction, Electrical, Culinary, Hospitality, A/V, Engineering
- Rebel Ready Center for post-secondary success
- Child Care Center
- Culinary Training Kitchen
- Dance Team
- Dual Language
- Early College High School
- School-based Mental Health Center
- Social and Emotional Learning
Sobre la escuela
La Escuela Preparatoria de Universidad Temprana Travis tiene una rica tradición de servir a los estudiantes en el sur de Austin desde que abrió en 1953 como la primera escuela preparatoria de Austin al sur del río Colorado. Travis da la bienvenida y desafía a los estudiantes con diversas ofertas académicas, buenos deportes y programas de bellas artes. Nuestras actividades extracurriculares brindan a los estudiantes una variedad de oportunidades para seguir sus intereses. Además de ofrecer más de una docena de cursos de educación técnica y profesional, Travis también es una escuela preparatoria de universidad temprana. Esta asociación con Austin Community College brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de obtener un título técnico superior mientras aún están en la preparatoria.
Los estudiantes de Travis provienen de diversos orígenes étnicos y socioeconómicos para lograr la excelencia académica y seguir sus pasiones, estando constantemente entre las mejores del estado en artes y deportes.
Vídeo destacado del programa
Aspectos Destacados
- Preparación universitaria AVID
- Rebel Ready Center para el éxito postsecundario
- Cocina de Entrenamiento Gastronómico
- Centro de Salud Mental con base en la escuela
- Deportes
- Equipo de danza
- Escuela preparatoria de universidad temprana
- Guardería
- Lenguaje dual
- Programación CTE: Principios de Construcción, Electricidad, Gastronomía, Hotelería, A/V, Ingeniería