Meet your counselors for the 2023-24 Academic School Year
We currently have 3 Counselors on campus to support all of our Travis Rebels.
Seniors & 9th Grade Ramirez-Z Counselor
Laura Hammill
512-841-8177 /
11th Grade & 9th Grade A-H
Ileanna Mercado
10th Grade & 9th Grade I-Raida
Jennifer Escobedo
Counseling Appointments
If you need to speak to your counselor, please sign up with them using the QR code posted on their door. You will be asked to fill out the form with your name, student ID#, and reason for the visit. Once your counselor receives your request, they will provide you with a pass with a date and time to meet.
Counselors Moved - All counselors are now in offices in the 600s. We are located across from the GoCenter and near the elevator.